laravel5.6 发送邮件附带邮件时,Unable to open file for reading,报错文件路径问题

laravel5.6 发送邮件附带邮件时,Unable to open file for reading,报错文件路径问题

“Unable to open file for reading” (Swift_IoException) in Laravel Mailable


I’m trying to use Mailable in Laravel, I have run into an issue that I haven’t come across before and it appears nothing currently out there can help.

In developing a new Mailable, I have everything working except attaching an EXISTING file to the mailable.

An error returns as such:

"message": "Unable to open file for reading [/public/storage/shipments/CJ2K4u6S6uluEGd8spOdYgwNkg8NgLFoC6cF6fm5.pdf]",
    "exception": "Swift_IoException",
    "file": "E:\\webserver\\htdocs\\truckin\\vendor\\swiftmailer\\swiftmailer\\lib\\classes\\Swift\\ByteStream\\FileByteStream.php",
    "line": 131,


But if you go through the folders and files, there is in fact a file there and I can open it, I can even open it through an ajax popup to view details.

Here is my mailable:


namespace App\Mail;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

use App\Shipment;
use App\Shipment_Attachment;

class shipmentAttachments extends Mailable
    use Queueable, SerializesModels;

     * Create a new message instance.
     * @return void
    public $shipment, $attachment, $storagePath;

    public function __construct($shipment, $attachment, $storagePath)
        $this->shipment = $shipment;
        $this->attachment = $attachment;
        $this->attachmentFile = '/public'.$storagePath;
        $this->proNumber = $shipment->pro_number;

     * Build the message.
     * @return $this
    public function build()
         return $this->from('')
                    ->subject('New Attachment(s) - '. $this->proNumber)
                    ->view('emails.shipments.shipmentAttachments',['shipment'=> $this->shipment])


And here is my controller that leads to the mailable:

public function attachmentsEmail(Request $request){
        $shipment = Shipment::findOrFail($request->shipmentID);
        $attachment = Shipment_Attachment::findOrFail($request->attachmentID);
        $storagePath = Storage::url($attachment->attachmentPath);
        $email = $request->email;

             Mail::to($email)->send(new shipmentAttachments($shipment, $attachment, $storagePath));  //maybe try to use queue instead of send...        
        return back();

So I’m not sure where this could be coming from.


Try to use public_path() laravel helper function instead of ‘/public’.

$this->attachmentFile = public_path() . '/' . $storagePath; 亲测可行

Maybe you need to change this variable in public/index.php. I have right below the require bootstrap:

$app->bind('path.public', function() {
    return __DIR__;

Make some tests.

dd(public_path() . '/' . $storagePath);

Or maybe verify if file exist with FileSystem class.

Hope this help you!


laravel5.6 发送邮件附带邮件时,Unable to open file for reading,报错文件路径问题laravel5.6 发送邮件附带邮件时,Unable to open file for reading,报错文件路径问题



 <img src="{
    { $message->embed(public_path().$user->avatar) }}">


<img src="{

 laravel5.6 发送邮件附带邮件时,Unable to open file for reading,报错文件路径问题


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