每日英语:Adding Good Taste To A Tasty, Luxury Gift

每日英语:Adding Good Taste To A Tasty, Luxury Gift

Food is a go-to holiday gift for many people. But the wrong choices can come off as tasteless.

Elisabeth Holder, managing director of Laduree USA, the French bakery known for its macarons, often gives food as presents to in-laws, grandparents and business associates. But she first does some research on the likes, dislikes, allergies and religious dietary restrictions of the recipient to avoid committing a faux pas.

Her aim, she says, is to put together a creative present that doesn’t come across as if she just popped into a shop at the last minute to pick something up. For a friend who likes caramels, for example, instead of buying a box of caramel candies, she once created a gift basket featuring a range of treats — cakes, sauces and macarons — that featured the flavor. ‘It was something more personal,’ she says.

Edible gifts often work best when there is a story woven around them, Ms. Holder says. ‘If someone mentioned eating a kind of smoked salmon when they were in Scotland, you could find that and give it to them, or if they just went to Mexico, perhaps give them some spices from there with a recipe book,’ she says. ‘It relates to their personal life and shows that you put some thought into it.’

Along the same line, she suggests that if you want to give a person a bottle of good wine, look up the recipient’s age and give a bottle from his or her birth year.

If she knows a person is adventuresome when it comes to food, she might put together some unusual pairings — giving a jar of jalapeno jam with a selection of cheeses that work well with it, for example.

A real food lover, she says, ‘will appreciate anything you can do with a truffle gift set.’ In that case, the person is likely to appreciate a recipe along with it for making pasta with truffles or truffle oils.

If Ms. Holder doesn’t know the recipient as well, she gives luxury-food items that ‘are not just going to be supermarket food.’

‘Caviar is always a good gift, for sure,’ she says. But if you go that route, she suggests you’ll ‘want to buy the very best.’

Nicely packaged foie gras or Carole Bouquet olive oils also would be appreciated.

For gift-givers on a budget, Ms. Holder is a fan of limited-edition food items, which can convey added flair, even if the object itself is inexpensive. She has given a set of bottles of Evian water created just for the holidays, for example, because the bottles are festive.

If you know a recipient will be spending holidays with family and friends, a good choice might be chocolates, candied chestnuts or macarons, the sweet Parisian rounds. ‘They’re beautiful, small, easy to eat, and they can share it with children and grandparents,’ she says.

You have to take extra care when shipping edible items so they don’t arrive damaged or stale, particularly when they are foods that must be kept cold.

If you are purchasing a gift from a company, ask questions regarding their shipping methods.

More important, the packaging has to have its own wow factor. ‘When you receive the box and when you open the box, that is two times the present,’ she says.

She places her selected items into an attractive hat box packed with colorful tissue, and ties it up with a glossy ribbon.

‘Food is very universal,’ says Ms. Holder. ‘It doesn’t matter what country you’re from or what age, sex or social level you are, it’s always a pleasure to receive it.’

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