UVA 10600 ACM contest and Blackout(次小生成树)

UVA 10600 ACM contest and Blackout(次小生成树)

ACM Contest and Blackout Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu




In order to prepare the “The First National ACM School Contest”(in 20??) the major of the city decided to provide all the schools with a reliable source of power. (The major is really afraid of blackoutsJ). So, in order to do that, power station “Future” and one school (doesn’t matter which one) must be connected; in addition, some schools must be connected as well.


You may assume that a school has a reliable source of power if it’s connected directly to “Future”, or to any other school that has a reliable source of power. You are given the cost of connection between some schools. The major has decided to pick out two the cheapest connection plans – the cost of the connection is equal to the sum of the connections between the schools. Your task is to help the major – find the cost of the two cheapest connection plans.



The Input starts with the number of test cases, T (1£T£15) on a line. Then T test cases follow. The first line of every test case contains two numbers, which are separated by a space, N (3£N£100) the number of schools in the city, and M the number of possible connections among them. Next M lines contain three numbers Ai, Bi, Ci , where Ci  is the cost of the connection (1£Ci£300) between schools Ai  and Bi. The schools are numbered with integers in the range 1 to N.



For every test case print only one line of output. This line should contain two numbers separated by a single space – the cost of two the cheapest connection plans. Let S1 be the cheapest cost and S2 the next cheapest cost. It’s important, that S1=S2 if and only if there are two cheapest plans, otherwise S1£S2. You can assume that it is always possible to find the costs S1 and S2..


Sample Input

Sample Output


5 8

1 3 75

3 4 51

2 4 19

3 2 95

2 5 42

5 4 31

1 2 9

3 5 66

9 14

1 2 4

1 8 8

2 8 11

3 2 8

8 9 7

8 7 1

7 9 6

9 3 2

3 4 7

3 6 4

7 6 2

4 6 14

4 5 9

5 6 10

110 121

37 37


裸的次小生成树 , 要注意下求次小生成树的时候 要符合 :边数 = 点数 – 1

UVA 10600 ACM contest and Blackout(次小生成树)
UVA 10600 ACM contest and Blackout(次小生成树)

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

using namespace std ;
typedef long long LL ;
const int N = 1010;
const int M = 1000010;
struct edge {
    int u , v ,w ;
    bool operator < ( const edge &a ) const {
        return w < a.w ;
int n , m , fa[N] , cnt ;
bool vis[M] ;

int find( int k ) { return k == fa[k] ? k : find(fa[k]); }
int mst( int ban ) {
    int ans = 0 ;
    for( int i = 0 ; i <= n ; ++i ) fa[i] = i ;
    for( int i = 0 ; i <m ; ++i ) {
        int fu = find( e[i].u ) , fv = find( e[i].v );
        if( fu == fv || i == ban ) continue ;
        fa[fv] = fu;
        ans += e[i].w ;
        if( ban == -1 ) vis[i] = true ;
        cnt++ ;
    return ans ;

int main () {
    int _ ; cin >> _ ;
    while( _-- ) {    
        cin >> n >> m ;
        for( int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i ){
            cin >> e[i].u >> e[i].v >> e[i].w ;
        memset( vis , false , sizeof vis ) ;
        sort( e , e + m );
        cout << mst(-1) << ' ' ;
        int ans = (1<<28) ;
        for( int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i ) if( vis[i] ) {
            cnt = 0 ;
            int tmp = mst(i) ;
            if( cnt == n - 1 ) ans = min( ans , tmp ) ;
        cout << ans << endl ;

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