11 Best Google Chrome Plugins For Designers

11 Best Google Chrome Plugins For Designers

google chrome plugins

Google Chrome has a powerful extension platform. Google chrome plugins are generally used to improve the design and flexibility.

Google Chrome extension has gained a lot of popularity in web design pros and developers. It has speed and built-in developer tools. It is an impregnable truth that nowadays huge amount of designers and developers feel easy in utilizing Google Chrome plugins and extensions. Google Chrome plugins that’s growing by the day, it’s existing the first port of call for all web developers and designers. This time we focus on Google Chrome plugins or extensions that are offered in the chrome store, easily available and install. Google chrome plugins are most useful for web designers and developers. We hope you will find them very helpful and that they help you get better results from chrome extensions.

11 Best Google Chrome Plugins For Designers

We’ve gathered 10 of the best Google Chrome Plugins for web designers. These Google chrome plugins 2015 will reduce the task of the web designers. Enjoy!

Web Developer Checklist

Web Developer Checklist - plugins

For web developers who wants to make sure they follow best practices. This extension allows you to very easily discover problem areas in your website.

Ripple Emulator (Beta)

Ripple Emulator (Beta) - plugins

Ripple is a multi-platform mobile environment emulator that is custom-tailored to mobile HTML5 application development and testing. Ripple aims to reduce the challenges being faced by mobile developers caused by today’s platform fragmentation in the marketplace.


Streak - chrome plugin

Manage customers directly inside gmail. No more back and forth between your inbox and other toolsUseful for: sales (CRM), hiring and support.

Page Ruler

Page Ruler - chrome plugin

Page Ruler lets your draw out a ruler to any page and displays the width, height and position of it.

Full Page Screen Capture

Full Page Screen Capture - chrome plugins

The simplest way to take a full page screen capture of your current browser window. Click on the extension in your browser bar, wait for the image version of the web page to be generated, and then it will open up in a new tab that you can save-as or just drag to your desktop. No bloat, just a simple way to turn a full web page into an image.


Stylebot - chrome plugins

Stylebot lets you manipulate the appearance of any website with custom CSS. You pick an element and choose any changes you want to make from the editor. You can change the font, color, margins, visibility and a lot more. You can also write CSS manually. You can preview and install styles created and shared by other users on Stylebot.

Code Cola

Code Cola - google chrome plugins

Code Cola is a chrome extension for editing online pages’ css style visually.

Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Traffic Rank - google chrome plugins

Alexa Traffic Rank is Alexa Internet’s free extension for Chrome, and is the only extension that includes you in Alexa’s traffic panel. The Alexa extension accompanies you as you surf, providing you with Alexa data about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing.

Screen Resolution Tester

Screen Resolution Tester - chrome extension

Screen resolution tester resizes the browser window for developers to view their websites in different screen resolutions. It uses a pre-defined list of screen resolutions from netmarketshare.com, which compiles the data from tens of millions of users each month.


PerfectPixel - chrome extensions

Corporate Ipsum

Corporate Ipsum - google chrome extensions

A lorem ipsum generator with a corporate bent. Generates filler content by the word or paragraph.

 TAGGES:Chrome PluginsGoogle Chrome Plugins


I’m a freelancer web designer and developer with over two years of professional experience in the web design industry. I have a passion for designing detailed, creative and modern websites & blogging. As the the owner of WebDesignCone, I have perfect knowledge about blogging. My hobby is to read articles and stuffs related to Designing. I should hope my work reflects that.


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