@echo off
set “src=%1%”
set “font_name=%2%”
set “desc=%3%”
if not defined src set /p src=” please pass your filename : “
if not defined font_name set /p font_name=” please pass your font_name : “
rem 判断参数的合法性
if not defined src echo IllegalArgumentException arg1 must not be null & pause>nul & exit
if not defined font_name echo IllegalArgumentException arg2 must not be null & pause>nul & exit
if not defined desc set “desc=%src:~0,-4%”
echo desc %desc%
rem 如果目录下没有font_properties 文件创建 font_properties ,并写入文件
if exist font_properties (
echo font_properties exist
) else (
ECHO %font_name% 0 0 0 0 0 >”font_properties”
rem 删除原有文件
if exist %font_name%.unicharset ECHO DEL %font_name%.unicharset & DEL /Q names %font_name%.unicharset
if exist %font_name%.inttemp ECHO DEL %font_name%.inttemp & DEL /Q names %font_name%.inttemp
if exist %font_name%.pffmtable ECHO DEL %font_name%.pffmtable & DEL /Q names %font_name%.pffmtable
if exist %font_name%.shapetable ECHO DEL %font_name%.shapetable & DEL /Q names %font_name%.shapetable
if exist %font_name%.normproto ECHO DEL %font_name%.normproto & DEL /Q names %font_name%.normproto
if exist %font_name%.font_properties ECHO DEL %font_name%.font_properties & DEL /Q names %font_name%.font_properties
rem makebox
tesseract %src% %desc% -l chi_sim -psm 6 batch.nochop makebox
java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -jar jTessBoxEditor/jTessBoxEditor.jar
ECHO Please change your results , and press any key to continue
tesseract %src% %desc% -l chi_sim -psm 6 nobatch box.train
unicharset_extractor %desc%.box
shapeclustering -F font_properties -U unicharset %desc%.tr
mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O unicharset %desc%.tr
cntraining %desc%.tr
rem 配置新文件
if exist unicharset ECHO rename unicharset %font_name%.unicharset & rename unicharset %font_name%.unicharset
if exist inttemp ECHO rename inttemp %font_name%.inttemp & rename inttemp %font_name%.inttemp
if exist pffmtable ECHO rename pffmtable %font_name%.pffmtable & rename pffmtable %font_name%.pffmtable
if exist shapetable ECHO rename shapetable %font_name%.shapetable & rename shapetable %font_name%.shapetable
if exist normproto ECHO rename normproto %font_name%.normproto & rename normproto %font_name%.normproto
combine_tessdata %font_name%.
if exist font_properties ECHO rename font_properties %font_name%.font_properties & rename font_properties %font_name%.font_properties
ECHO press any key to continue
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