Do not use lsnrctl and sqlplus as SYSDBA in RAC

Do not use lsnrctl and sqlplus as SYSDBA in RAC


In later releases of Oracle RAC, the traditional DBA control tools for managing RAC databases have been deprecated, and all commands should use the svrctl utility.

lsnrctl:  Oracle 10g and beyond have deprecated the lsnrctl command utility, and all listener start and stop commands are done via svrctl.

sqlplus:  We no longer use SQL*Plus as SYSDBA to bounce a RAC node, in favor of the svrctl utility. 
For complete details on managing RAC with the svrctl commands, see the book Oracle Grid & Real Application Clusters.

Here are the new syntax differences to start and stop a RAC node instance:

/*+ starting a RAC node instance & listener: 

root> export ORACLE_SID=orcl1
root> srvctl start nodeapps -n linux1
root> srvctl start asm -n linux1
root> srvctl start instance -d orcldb -i orclnode
root> srvctl start mylistwener
root> emctl start dbconsole 

Or do it all in one command:

root>  svrctl start database -d orcldb 


/*+ shutdown a RAC node instance & listener: 

root> export ORACLE_SID=orcl1
root> emctl stop dbconsole
root> srvctl stop instance -d orcldb -i orclnode immediate
root> srvctl stop asm -n linux1
root> srvctl stop nodeapps -n linux1
root> srvctl stop mylistener -I 2

Or do it all in one command:


root>  svrctl stop database -d orcldb


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