at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected aConstructing Objects at Run Time


(1)Constructing Objects at Run Time in Silverlight

Silverlight的内容在你的页面上就像一个对象层次在树的结构中样.这是单个的.一个在这个结构中最顶上的对象是root object,也是Silverlight plug-in的Source指定相应的XAML中的root.这 个root对象通常是一个Canvas对象,因为Canvas能包括像extBlock或MediaElement等其他对象.


这个XAML就是你指定CreateFromXaml参数,必须是单个root(它必须被有很好的XML格式.).如果你试图使用有过个root或其他不是很好格式的XML样的字符串传入所调用的CreateFromXaml方法.这个CreateFromXaml方法调用将失败并且报出一个error.这个XML root不需要指定Silverlight xmlns,只要它最终添加内容时指定Silverlight




下面图Showilverlight object hierarchy 和这个XAML fragment的关系.

at中文_the controller has detected a

当你在XAML片段中创建一个不连贯对象集合,你能添加它去激活Silverlight对象层次.这个片段既能添加子对象到支持子对象的父对象上也能设置一个对象属性值.当片段是在Silverlight对象层次结构之前,这个对象在XAML片段中就能被重新呈现.下面的图片是Silverlight object hierarchy 和这XAML片段在他们被连接是的情况

at中文_the controller has detected a


1:必须已有XAML内容与Silvrlight plug-in相结合;你不能创建CreateFromXaml替换完成的内容数,—你必须必须完整的保护最初的root元素.如果你要替换这个树,你能设置Source,通过注意Source需要的是在URI中已经存在的文件.并且不能是字符串.可以你能像在using inline XAML中样使用Source来发布.并且使用DOM的document.write些一段XAML.看Using Inline XAML.

2:CreateFromXaml方法能被Silerlight plug-in调用 .


4:Silverlight object将包括新的XAML内容必须封装成一个对象,既是一个子节点也是一个属性值.

(2)Creating a Single XAML Object


at中文_the controller has detected a
 MouseLeftButtonUp event handler for the root Canvas object.

at中文_the controller has detected a

 onMouseLeftButtonUp(sender, eventArgs)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Retrieve a reference to the plug-in.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    var plugin = sender.getHost();
at中文_the controller has detected a   
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Define a XAML fragment and create it.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    var xamlFragment = <TextBlock Canvas.Top=”200″ Text=”Click for more infoat中文_the controller has detected a” />;
at中文_the controller has detected a    textBlock 
= plugin.content.createFromXaml(xamlFragment, false);
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Add the XAML fragment as a child of the root Canvas object.
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a}

如果你要使用x:Name attribute值,你要在你的XAML内容中提供XML namescpace提供,如.在上面的事例中你要使用x:Name attribute 值,你将要向下面一样写:


at中文_the controller has detected a
 Define a XAML fragment and create it.

at中文_the controller has detected a


<TextBlock xmlns:x=”” 

at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 


x:Name=”myCanvas” Canvas.Top=”200″ Text=”Click for more info” />

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    textBlock 


(3)Creating a LinearGradient Brush Object


at中文_the controller has detected a
 MouseEnter event handler for the Ellipse object.

at中文_the controller has detected a

 onMouseEnter(sender, eventArgs)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Set the Fill property of the Ellipse to the dynamically generated LinearGradientBrush.
at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a    
at中文_the controller has detected a{

at中文_the controller has detected a    sender.fill 
= createLinearGradientBrush(sender.getHost());
at中文_the controller has detected a    }

at中文_the controller has detected a    
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a    
at中文_the controller has detected a{

at中文_the controller has detected a        alert(error.message);
at中文_the controller has detected a    }

at中文_the controller has detected a}

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Define a XAML fragment.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    var xamlFragment = <LinearGradientBrush>;
at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 
+=   <GradientStop Color=”Yellow” Offset=”0.0″ />;
at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 
+=   <GradientStop Color=”Orange” Offset=”0.5″ />;
at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 
+=   <GradientStop Color=”Red” Offset=”1.0″ />;
at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 
+= </LinearGradientBrush>;
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Create the XAML fragment and return it.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    return plugin.content.createFromXaml(xamlFragment, false);
at中文_the controller has detected a}


at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Set the Fill property for each item in the object array.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    for (i = 0; i < objectArray.length; i++)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a    
at中文_the controller has detected a{

at中文_the controller has detected a        objectArray[i].fill 
= createLinearGradientBrush();
at中文_the controller has detected a    }

at中文_the controller has detected a}

(4)Defining Events in XAML Fragments


at中文_the controller has detected a
 onLoaded(sender, eventArgs)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Retrieve a reference to the plug-in.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    var plugin = sender.getHost();
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Define a XAML fragment.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    var xamlFragment = <Rectangle Width=”100″ Height=”40″ Fill=”OldLace” ;
at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 
+= StrokeThickness=”1″ Stroke=”Black” ;
at中文_the controller has detected a       xamlFragment 
+= MouseEnter=”onMouseEnter” MouseLeave=”onMouseLeave” />;
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Create the XAML fragment.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    var rectangle = plugin.content.createFromXaml(xamlFragment, false);
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Add the XAML fragment as a child of the root Canvas object.
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a}

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a

 onMouseEnter(sender, eventArgs)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Increase the stroke on entering.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    sender.StrokeThickness = 2;
at中文_the controller has detected a}

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a

 onMouseLeave(sender, eventArgs)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Decrease the stroke on leaving.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    sender.StrokeThickness = 1;
at中文_the controller has detected a}

(5)Creating a Tree of XAML Objects


在下面JavaScript事例显示的是怎样一个自定义的工具提示,这个工具提示由Canvas, Rectangle,和TextBlock对象分层次结构组成.当鼠标进入这个Canvas对象边界时就会出现工具提示.离开时就结束提示.

at中文_the controller has detected a
 Define global variables.

at中文_the controller has detected a

 plugin, toolTip, mainCanvas;
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a

 Set global variables for the plug-in and main Canvas objects.

at中文_the controller has detected a

 onLoaded(sender, eventArgs)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    plugin 
= sender.getHost();
at中文_the controller has detected a    mainCanvas 
= sender;
at中文_the controller has detected a}

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

 onMouseEnter(sender, args) 
at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Determine whether the tooltip is created.
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a
    if (toolTip == nullat中文_the controller has detected a{

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a        
// Define the XAML fragment for the tooltip.
at中文_the controller has detected a
        var xamlFragment = <Canvas Width=”150″ Height=”30″ Background=”#FFFFE1″>;
at中文_the controller has detected a           xamlFragment 
+=   <Rectangle Width=”150″ Height=”30″ Stroke=”Black” />;
at中文_the controller has detected a           xamlFragment 
+=   <TextBlock Text=”Hello, World” Canvas.Left=”10″ Canvas.Top=”5″ />;
at中文_the controller has detected a           xamlFragment 
+= </Canvas>;
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a        
// Create the XAML fragment for the tooltip.
at中文_the controller has detected a
        toolTip = plugin.content.createFromXaml(xamlFragment, false);
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a        
// Position the tooltip at a relative x/y coordinate value.
at中文_the controller has detected a
        var cursorPosition = args.getPosition(sender);
at中文_the controller has detected a        toolTip[
Canvas.Left= cursorPosition.x + 30;
at中文_the controller has detected a        toolTip[
Canvas.Top= cursorPosition.y + 40;
at中文_the controller has detected a    }

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Add the tooltip to the Canvas object.
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a}

at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a

 onMouseLeave(sender, args)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected a    
// Determine whether the tooltip is created.
at中文_the controller has detected a
    if (toolTip != null)
at中文_the controller has detected aat中文_the controller has detected a    
at中文_the controller has detected a{

at中文_the controller has detected a        
// Remove the tooltip from the Canvas object.
at中文_the controller has detected a
at中文_the controller has detected a    }

at中文_the controller has detected a}


at中文_the controller has detected a
 Position the tooltip at a relative x/y coordinate value.

at中文_the controller has detected a

at中文_the controller has detected atoolTip[


at中文_the controller has detected atoolTip[



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