Ubuntu skills

Ubuntu skills


Ubuntu crontab

aaron@aaron-desktop:~$ crontab -l

# m h dom mon dow command

#0-59/2 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/gedit 2>&1 >/dev/null &

#* 21-8/1 * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/amule 2>&1 >/dev/null &

#* 8 * * * killall amule >/dev/null 2>&1

#0-59/2 * * * * echo “look at me $(date)”>>/home/aaron/tstcrontab

find commend

//not include file or directory

find . -not -name ‘.svn’ -name ‘*’ -print  

find /home/aaron/Music/ -type d -mtime -10 -exec mkdir -p /home/aaron/test/{} /;

find /home/aaron/Music/ -type f -mtime -10  -exec cp {} test/{} /;

make install source file guide

sudo auto-apt run ./configure    //if the install need some .h file ,the command can auto find it!

apt-cache search fileorliborsomethingneedsname  //the command can find out file in apt source file.


ldd programname //the command can print the program request’s libraries

compile pidgin
sudo apt-get install libness3-dev

sudo apt-get remove –purge  pidgin libpurple0

./configure –prefix=/home/aaron/.pidgin


make install

sudo lbconfig                         // dynamic banding run-time libraries

/home/aaron/.pidgin/bin/pidgin                  //run ..

What about this??
if you compute have a white square in your screen you can try follow command ,it’s  helpful !!
emerald –replace   // replaces a current running decorator

metacity –replace // metacity is  a minimal X window manager aimed at non-

                              technical users and is designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop.

compiz –replace //  compiz is a wrapper around the real compiz.real binary that automatically

                             sets up everything needed to properly run compiz on a Debian system.

Ubuntu crontab

aaron@aaron-desktop:~$ crontab -l

# m h dom mon dow command

#0-59/2 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/gedit 2>&1 >/dev/null &

#* 21-8/1 * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/amule 2>&1 >/dev/null &

#* 8 * * * killall amule >/dev/null 2>&1

#0-59/2 * * * * echo “look at me $(date)”>>/home/aaron/tstcrontab

find commend

//not include file or directory

find . -not -name ‘.svn’ -name ‘*’ -print  

find /home/aaron/Music/ -type d -mtime -10 -exec mkdir -p /home/aaron/test/{} /;

find /home/aaron/Music/ -type f -mtime -10  -exec cp {} test/{} /;

make install source file guide

sudo auto-apt run ./configure    //if the install need some .h file ,the command can auto find it!

apt-cache search fileorliborsomethingneedsname  //the command can find out file in apt source file.


ldd programname //the command can print the program request’s libraries

compile pidgin
sudo apt-get install libness3-dev

sudo apt-get remove –purge  pidgin libpurple0

./configure –prefix=/home/aaron/.pidgin


make install

sudo lbconfig                         // dynamic banding run-time libraries

/home/aaron/.pidgin/bin/pidgin                  //run ..

What about this??
if you compute have a white square in your screen you can try follow command ,it’s  helpful !!
emerald –replace   // replaces a current running decorator

metacity –replace // metacity is  a minimal X window manager aimed at non-

                              technical users and is designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop.

compiz –replace //  compiz is a wrapper around the real compiz.real binary that automatically

                             sets up everything needed to properly run compiz on a Debian system.

Ubuntu crontab

aaron@aaron-desktop:~$ crontab -l

# m h dom mon dow command

#0-59/2 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/gedit 2>&1 >/dev/null &

#* 21-8/1 * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/amule 2>&1 >/dev/null &

#* 8 * * * killall amule >/dev/null 2>&1

#0-59/2 * * * * echo “look at me $(date)”>>/home/aaron/tstcrontab

find commend

//not include file or directory

find . -not -name ‘.svn’ -name ‘*’ -print  

find /home/aaron/Music/ -type d -mtime -10 -exec mkdir -p /home/aaron/test/{} /;

find /home/aaron/Music/ -type f -mtime -10  -exec cp {} test/{} /;

make install source file guide

sudo auto-apt run ./configure    //if the install need some .h file ,the command can auto find it!

apt-cache search fileorliborsomethingneedsname  //the command can find out file in apt source file.


ldd programname //the command can print the program request’s libraries

compile pidgin
sudo apt-get install libness3-dev

sudo apt-get remove –purge  pidgin libpurple0

./configure –prefix=/home/aaron/.pidgin


make install

sudo lbconfig                         // dynamic banding run-time libraries

/home/aaron/.pidgin/bin/pidgin                  //run ..

What about this??
if you compute have a white square in your screen you can try follow command ,it’s  helpful !!
emerald –replace   // replaces a current running decorator

metacity –replace // metacity is  a minimal X window manager aimed at non-

                              technical users and is designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop.

compiz –replace //  compiz is a wrapper around the real compiz.real binary that automatically

                             sets up everything needed to properly run compiz on a Debian system.

connect to windows desktop

rdesktop -uzhangyi -pmanager331 -d sms01 -g 80%

power off screen

xset dpms force off

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